

The quickstart instructions are only intended for development and testing purposes. Do not use the quickstart instructions in a production setting. The certificate and certificate key stored in the StUF-BG Client will be exposed when making an API call to an external StUF-BG service.

The default docker-compose settings have some convenience settings to get started quickly and these should never be used for anything besides testing:

  • A default secret is set in the SECRET_KEY environment variable

  • A predefined database and database account is used.

  • The demo data source is used as backend.

  • API authorizations are disabled.

With the above remarks in mind, let’s go:

  1. Download the docker-compose file:

    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maykinmedia/open-personen/master/docker-compose-quickstart.yml -O docker-compose.yml
    PS> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maykinmedia/open-personen/master/docker-compose-quickstart.yml -Odocker-compose.yml
  2. Start the Docker containers:

    $ docker-compose up -d
  3. Import a test dataset of persons. You can use the test dataset provided by the RvIG. Just copy the ODS-file URL to the command below:

    $ docker-compose exec web src/manage.py import_demodata --url <url>
  4. The API should now be available on http://localhost:8000/api/. You can retrieve a person via the BRP API in your webbrowser:


Next steps

You can read how to add persons to this test dataset using this Demo backend. If you want to expose real persons you can connect Open Personen to a StUF-BG backend.

You can also read on how to enable Authorizations.